Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: An Introduction for Life Scientists: Volume 2

Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs: An Introduction for Life Scientists: Volume 2

Dr C F Harrison (Autore)

Regulatory affairs.

If you’re finishing your academic career and are looking for a job in biotech or pharmaceuticals, you will have seen a thousand advertisements for regulatory affairs managers.

But...what exactly is regulatory affairs?
What would I be doing?
What sort of skills do I need?
What do I need to know before I start?

This book answers all these questions and more, providing an introduction to the complex world of regulatory affairs. We cover typical tasks; required skills; the ins and outs of the submission process; vital knowledge you’ll need to have; and much more. Lost in a sea of acronyms? We’ve got you covered. Not really sure how regulatory fits into pharmaceutical development? We explain the process. No idea why your new boss keeps going on about module 3.2.P.7? No problem.

Whether you’re looking for a job, preparing for an interview, or have just started in the field, this book will give you the foundational knowledge you need to succeed.
Dettagli prodotto
Editore : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (19 agosto 2016)
Lingua : Inglese
Copertina flessibile : 65 pagine
ISBN-10 : 1537090747
ISBN-13 : 978-1537090740
Peso articolo : 1,05 Kilograms
Dimensioni : 15.24 x 0.41 x 22.86 cm
Posizione nella classifica Bestseller di Amazon: n. 42 in Argomenti medico-legali
n. 3.291 in Diritto pubblico (Libri)
n. 133.872 in Libri in inglese
Recensioni dei clienti: 4,1
100 voti

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