Learn to Read Ancient Sumerian: An Introduction for Complete Beginners

Learn to Read Ancient Sumerian: An Introduction for Complete Beginners

Joshua Bowen, Megan Lewis

Sumerian is the world's oldest written language, but the ability to read it is restricted to the lucky few - until now! Learn to Read Ancient Sumerian: An Introduction for Complete Beginners is written specifically for people with no training in ancient languages, letting the reader learn Sumerian without having to learn grammatical jargon first. Any grammatical terms that are used are explained in clear language, and a handy index provides definitions just in case you need a reminder! Each of the 11 chapters introduce and explain important grammatical features, building upon previous chapters to provide and in-depth understanding of the language without being overwhelming. Every chapter includes a list of vocabulary and cuneiform signs for the student to master, as well as exercises to help solidify the reader's understanding of grammatical concepts. Exercises written in cuneiform mean that you start reading authentic Sumerian right from the start, building up to translating ancient cuneiform inscriptions from drawings and photographs! This book will: Teach you the fundamentals of Sumerian grammar in language you can understand. Give you exercises so you can test and consolidate your new-found knowledge. Let you read actual cuneiform inscriptions from 4,000 years ago!
Detalhes do produto
Editora : Digital Hammurabi Press (15 outubro 2020)
Idioma : Inglês
Capa comum : 274 páginas
ISBN-10 : 1734358602
ISBN-13 : 978-1734358605
Dimensões : 15.24 x 1.75 x 22.86 cm
Ranking dos mais vendidos: Nº 20.333 em Livros (Conheça o Top 100 na categoria Livros)
Nº 2 em Importados sobre Ensino de Idiomas Antigos
Nº 7 em Importados de Antiga História
Nº 123 em Importados sobre Língua, Linguística e Escrita Inglês e Outras Línguas
Avaliações dos clientes: 4,6
312 avaliações de clientes

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